
To supplement the Financial Secretary’s report on contributions, the Finance Board provides the graph above that compares the year-to-date figures for the Budget, Incomes, and Expenses, as of the end of July 2024. As shown, the current Incomes exceed the Budget by about $3,000 and Incomes without the Reserve supplement ($113,813) exceed the Expenses ($83,559) by about $30,200. This is primarily due to not having the expenses of a pastor. We are currently not dependent on the Reserve supplement to meet expenses, which is our goal. With your continued support, may our current financial position continue as we work to identify, select, and call a new pastor.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)


Financial treasures can be given through traditional ways (Sunday offerings or USPS mail) or via one of the electronic ways described below.

  • If your bank has online “pay bills” capabilities, access your bank’s website and select “Pay Bills” (or similar) and make your contribution.  You will need the address of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, (7595 Center Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95823) and telephone number (916-421-5039).


  • Make your contribution through your mobile device.  Simply download the free “Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement” app from the Apple App Store or Google Play and follow the onscreen instructions. If “Sacramento St. Luke’s” is not found, enter the code “46E422” for the church name.


  • Click on the button below. You can make a one-time contribution but we encourage everyone to create an online profile.
Flowchart: Alternate Process: ONLINE GIVING

For additional information, contact the St. Luke’s Financial Secretary – Jack Fenske. You can drop him a note via the church office email at

Thank You:  Regardless whether you give financially or through your time and talent, and whether you give a little or a lot, St. Luke’s sincerely thanks you.  God bless.