Worship Services

St. Luke’s services blend elements of traditional liturgy and modern praise-and-worship styles. In a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere, we pray and learn and worship together as the collective body of Christ.

Our Services

Our service has four parts: gathering together, focusing on the Word, sharing holy communion, and being sent out into the world.

First, we gather together by worshipping God in song, confessing our sins and rejoicing in God’s forgiveness, and asking for God’s mercy.

Second, we focus on the word by reading three Scripture passages and a responsive psalm. The sermon delves deeper into the scriptural message. Together, we confess our faith by reading aloud the Apostles’, Nicene, or Special Seasonal Creeds.

As a body, we intercede to ask for God’s peace in our church, in our neighborhood, and around the world. Next, we take a few minutes to mingle and share God’s peace with each other.

Third, we take communion. We ask God to purify us, worship him through songs and prayers, and then share the Lord’s supper together.

Fourth, the pastor gives us a blessing, and we sing a hymn together. Then we are dismissed to serve the Lord in peace.

Our Music

Through both lively and meditative songs, we praise God’s greatness and ask for his mercy. We enjoy a broad variety of music types – both traditional and modern, popular and less common.

We sing traditional Lutheran songs, old-time Gospel hymns, and modern worship songs. We enjoy the piano and organ, as well as the occasional flute and guitar. Each Sunday, the service’s theme ties together these varied tunes.

Our Sermons

At St. Luke’s, each sermon focuses on a scriptural passage; the Bible is the most important way God communicates with us. Our goal is to determine what God’s word has to say to us, without using the Bible to illustrate our own ideas. The sermon works together with the other Scripture readings to illuminate the service’s theme.

If you have questions about God and the meaning of life, join with us in our search for answers. The Bible brings us both comforts and challenges, and we consider those together. We don’t have all the answers, but we do serve a wise and mighty God.


God communicates with us through the Bible, which announces the gospel message of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. God uses his word to create within us the faith that he demands, and with this gift of faith, we are saved.

To encourage us, and to strengthen our confidence in his resurrection and his promises, Jesus gave us several sacraments – tangible signs of his promises.

First, he connected water to his promise of life, which we celebrate through baptism.

Second, he blessed the simple elements of bread and wine, binding them to his sacrifice and his promise of forgiveness. Believing that Jesus is present in Communion and that to receive him is to receive the forgiveness of sin, we celebrate the blood of Christ, shed for us, and the body of Christ, given for us.

All who seek God and are drawn to Christ are welcome at God’s table. Additionally, if you prefer to have Communion at a distance, we offer self-contained wafers/juice which you may use during this time. Children who don’t yet receive the bread and wine are invited forward to receive a blessing.

Practical Details
When We Gather

There is currently only one service being offered at St. Luke’s, 10:30am. During this service, we offer children’s Sunday school. The piano and organ, along with occasional guitar and flute, accompany our singing. Choir performances are also held during this service.

What to Wear

We don’t care what you wear to church, and Jesus won’t either. You’re welcome to dress up or come casually. After all, it’s not your wardrobe we’re interested in seeing – it’s you!


We welcome children in our services; they are a precious and important part of our congregation, and we love to hear their joyful noises.

If you feel that your child is too distracted (or distracting), you have several options. You can sit in the back of the church, where you’ll find some seating, space, and a couple shelves of children’s books. You can also use the nursery or sit in the Welcome Room. Located off the main foyer, the Welcome Room has glass windows and speakers, letting you participate in the service even when you need to care for your young children.

Sunday school is held during the 10:30am service, after the children join in the service for a few songs, Scripture readings, and a children’s time. (The children are also welcome to remain in the main service.)