Worship and Music


Jane Fanucci is  St. Luke’s Choir Director and Organist.

Adult Choir:

You are invited to Choir rehearsal, scheduled for every Wednesday at 7pm. Members and newcomers are encouraged to use their vocal chords to serve our Lord with uplifting renditions of sacred hymns, gospel music and chorales during the Sunday, worship service at 10:30am.

St. Luke’s also has a Senior Bell Choir.  Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining.  We rehearse Sunday mornings at 9:00am.

The brilliant Christian psychiatrist Dr. Walter Menninger, said that singing in a church choir was very helpful to him. After an exhausting day at work, he found it inspirational and soothing to go to choir practice at his church. The music enabled him to put the stress of his day behind him, get in touch with something beautiful and holy, and end the day relaxed and uplifted.

Ask a choir member what singing in a choir does for him or her. It’s very likely that you’ll find he or she gets great joy in serving the Lord through singing. And remember, also, there is wonderful fellowship among choir members. Singing in a choir is a good way to make new friends. Try it!

We have many reasons including the above to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Come share your talent and your love of music at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church!