Celebrating the Victory Through Jesus Christ - Since 1925
Fireworks Booth
St. Luke’s has hosted a Fireworks Booth since the year 2000! The funds we raise each year are used by the Property Board at St. Luke’s for various projects in and around the church. Over the years, the funds have been used for cleaning, paving, building, fix-it projects, and so many more.
From 2000 to 2007, the booth was located in the parking lot of the El Michoacano Restaurant at 4591 Fruitridge Rd. From 2008 to 2022, the booth was located in the parking lot of the Food Source Supermarket at 6366 Mack Rd.
But as of 2023, the booth is now on the church property! So if you know where the church is, that’s where your faithful Fireworks lovers will be so come on by!
The Fireworks Booth always starts selling safe-and-sane TNT brand fireworks from June 28th at noon until July 4th at 10pm sharp.
Picture of our booth at our original location – Fruitridge Road and Ethel Way
(2000 to 2006)Dorothy and Peggy getting us organized (2003)Uncle Sam visiting the booth (2004)Uncle Sam (Jerry) taking
a nap (2004)Jennifer, Dorothy, Deanna, Karen & Carol setting up (2005)Pastor Carl babysitting for Selena (2006)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)An organized booth is a safe booth (2008)Micayla waving at passersby (2008)Larry and Micayla ushering in customers (2008)Carolyn, Genie, Dorothy & Bob handling the crowds (2008)Dorothy, Genie, Peggy, Carolyn & Bob handling the crowds (2008)Jerry, Jack and Al keeping us safe (2008)Jack & Micki with Ken and Larry photobombing (2010)It rained on opening day (2011)Staying dry during opening day rainstorm
(2011)Pastor leading Sunday worship at the booth (2012)Pastor leading Sunday worship at the booth (2012)Pastor leading Sunday worship at the booth (2012)Al and Peggy showing off the Big Bang (2012)Pat handing out candy to the kids (2013)Ron overlooking sales (2013)Carol begging for popcorn
(2013)The Fireworks Booth Gang, 2014Photos of some of the people and life at the Fireworks Booth